Welcome to the Club!
Thanks for stopping by my website! We now have some new tabs for y'all to explore: "Friends" to learn about the regulars on the channel, "Bio" to learn more about me and my journey and "Store" where you can find my merch at!
The teams tab and spreadsheet are behind in updates, but my teams are almost always in the description of my videos!
If you would like to submit a team for me to use, head over to the submissions tab in the header.
Make sure to join my Discord if you haven't already! You can do so by clicking on Discord in the header or scrolling down a little bit (you can also reach my Smogon wall that way).
Thank you for your support, and hope to catch you soon!
Check out my latest Showdown movie!
Check out the latest from the
Axel Breakers!
Axel Breakers!