My thumbnail from a Minestrike (Minecraft x Counter Strike) video showcasing my Dewott skin. The video premiered April 24, 2016, and has since been privatized.

My thumbnail from "Battle Run!" Before going private, the video earned 2,220 views.

My final video of the Kid502 era. Interestingly, it was not from my POV but my friend's. The video has been privatized along with the rest of the Kid502-era content.
My forever Showdown buddy, Whiskers sits eagerly waiting for me to hand her a pretzel treat. This is the pic I have set for my Showdown background.

After a sleepless night when I got home following Whiskers' passing, I integrated her into my profile pic. Not only is the blurry background the same pic of Whiskers I use for Showdown, I also recolored and added whiskers to Mincinno (the chinchilla Pokémon) to sit on my shoulder.